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Problems with your GP

Has anybody else had problems with their GP not understanding MS snd its symptoms. I had a doctors appointment on Wednesday and couldn't get the doctor to understand what was happening with myself and my ms symptoms. I feel like i sm having a relapse with my RRMS as having new symptoms which are causing a lot of pain and discomfort.

I have been having issues getting the doctors to understand me for the past 40 years believe you me doctors are dead from the neck up lol in fact I prefer to go to a vet as I would get quicker and better service than the doctors... You will find on your journey the neurologists and Ms nurses are just the same they will not tell you what is going on and they will be very distant about everything in my journey still wishing you the best of luck on your journey


My dr tells me that her hands are tied in terms of what to suggest for my symptoms and concerns (only if I can’t get a hold of my ms nurse) it’s not her fault but I think there should be some level of understanding and being able to give advice or at least give some reassurance on what I’m going through. But they can’t do anything about it unfortunately. There isn’t enough specialist nurses on MS (at least not in Glasgow or surrounding areas I guess) 🤔