No Medication
Is there anyone out there that has been diagnosed with MS but decided against taking medication? Has anyone tried to stop the progression of MS with a gluten/dairy/meat free diet or been advised that cutting any of these things out of your diet can help ? I am grateful for any opinions or info. Thank you
Hello. I am Anthony and diagnosed in 2007. I am SPMS and no treatment options are offered to me. Only long-term steroids seem to work, this is not a authorised long term treatment so i have to suffer. I have found that changing diet works a little bit, but the most successful treatment i have found is to cut out all stress. Do not smoke and drink alcohol either. At the beginning of 2015 i was in debt to the sum of £10,000. Now, and after a lot of screaming to banks, I am debt free. I can now sleep and my anxiety has disappeared. Stress is your worst enemy.
Like you I went down (or attempted to go down) the route of diet. It didn't seem to be doing anything but I read up everything I could and there are certainly some convincing anecdotal stories. Early on, though, I decided to ask the neuro about it. My neuro then was Dr Giovannoni, who is now Professor at Barts and one of the (if not THE) leading MS specialists in the UK. He spoke to me at length about it. He said that, yes, a diet as described might very possibly make me feel better. But - he insisted - (and I pressed him hard on this) it would make absolutely no difference to the course of the illness. Now, 12 years into MS, I think I know what he was really saying, At the time, I just took it to mean that it really wasn't worth making any drastic changes diet-wise. Now I think slightly differently. IMO, the MS is at its 'quietest' when you are in perfect health. Well slept, unstressed, the right weight, blood pressure under control etc etc. Now in order to get to that happy state, it IS necessary to have an optimum diet. Again, IMO, that doesn't necessarily mean going dairy and gluten-free, but it does mean eating properly - we all know what that means. I'm relying on my MS meds to prevent further damage but I also rely on my lifestyle to keep stable day to day. And that's very much a 'work in progress'.