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Stem cell therapy PPMS

What is everyone's opinion of this? I look like Im going to be diagnosed with PPMS and fast progression at that. I have researched everything and the only thing with an ounce of chance is stem cell therapy. With active inflammation it has a 60-70% chance of stopping disease, without inflammation sometimes less than 50% chance. What would you do? Remember this is also very early in the disease course also which gives the best chance to have any sort of recovery or stabilisation. I have gone from no issues to arm and leg issues within 4 months and cannot sit by any longer The chance is there to do something next month providing all the mris etc show ok What would yu do?

If it were me, I'd be going to see my neurologist armed with as much information as I could find on the stem cell therapy. I would then work with him/her towards a plan of action. Making this decision without all the facts could be very dangerous.


@krisp , the stem cell arena does look encouraging, but all these things seem to take an inordinate amount of time, unless you can get involved in some Clinical Trials. They'll get there eventually. But, can I recommend a note of caution. I believe that you are still presently undiagnosed and have been on a marathon quest for knowledge. It's not wise to self-diagnose or give yourself a prognosis. The recommended way forward is "prepare for the worst and hope for the best". :wink: