Has anyone else been diagnosed with graves as a side effect from ms treatment I was when i had my 1st treatment im now on a different one. I feel so alone these days 😞
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Hi Kellz, Years ago, I took Alemtuzumab (Lemtrada) and I got Graves’ disease from that and I had to follow things in which I should and shouldn’t do. Blood-jabs where once every few months so they could monitor me with my level’s dropping off or raising. All of what I have said was a very long time ago and I will try my best to remember as much as I can for you, to put you at some ease. I am always here if you need me to get some information or feeling a bit down with our condition. Always know, your MS will never define you for the outstanding person you are! Take care, Jay x
Thank-you for your kind words that's exactly how I got it I'm currently on Tysbiria for ms and thyroid meds also waiting for surgeries. I get fed up being told the same thing that my thyroid level is to high to have the surgeries. However I've been on the same meds for graves for the past three years I would've thought that was a sign it wasn't working I really appreciate your message thankyou again. X