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Anyone else wake up this hour

I been suffering from lack of sleep and when I do sleep and wake up is 3 am like clock work so I'm all over place again I have spasms in my feet drive me mad and pain in my right eye ms sucks like I burn myself out to just go sleep and not have a nap during day but still same 2/4 hours sleep awake for night then

Yeah - I thought it was only me. Was up at 3.30am. porridge for me and a spoonful for the dog at 5.30am - been up for 3rd time now since 6.30am. Don't know if it's to do with a spasm in my back. Being tired makes all the symptoms worse during next day. Hoping to crash for 20 minutes now in front of tele. Its a nightmare - hope you get it sorted out.


@GerardMcC1 ye it's like the witching hour and it's very annoying 😑 I've go do loads today and I've about 30% energy