Hey everyone! New here 😊
I’m in the USA and recently had to stop working about 7 weeks ago. My neurologist is suggesting signing up for disability. Anyone have any insight!? I’m nervous and have been told it’s a long process!
TIA 🫶🏼
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The process of gathering and assembling all of your medical history is long, but I actually found that once submitted, the waiting time was reasonable. Perhaps it was around 3-4 months. I had to drive to Columbus for a brief medical evaluation, which was really similar to what my local neurologist does. The strangest part was reaching that singular day when I knew that working one more day was not an option. That was emotional for me. But the mechanics of applying and waiting for their decision was truly not bad. Just remember to photo copy everything that you send and keep a folder for yourself.
After being denied twice I finally had my hearing last week. It’s been about 2 years. I have a good chance of getting approved but it’s possible it can be denied again. Definitely get your neurologist opinion saying you can no longer work. If you can get other doctors that’ll also help. I just have my neurologist saying I can no longer work. My PPMS comes with a neurogenic bladder so I have to intermittently use a catheter and have regular accidents. That also strongly helps my case besides having great difficulty walking and sitting for any prolonged period of time. Try to provide as much support as possible.