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Other ways to help MS symptoms?

Has anyone found any non treatment/medical ways of improving MS and your relapses? Maybe a certain diet. Supplement you swear by, working out, I’ve heard has helped people. Would love to hear of anything you guys do that you believe helps your MS and relapses. As I want to try and incorporate as many different life style changes I can to hopefully avoid and flare ups

This is just my own desperate attempt. No science yet. I looked at multiple diets. In the early 1900 ketogenic diet was used to treat epilepsy. They had no medicine at the time. There does appear to be a difference between using sugar for energy, and using ketones as energy on the brain 🧠. This is definitely not a miracle cure diet. I believe it may have reduced my fatigue when I had no DMT. Luckily no more lesions on MRI whilst on the diet. However, this could just be coincidence. Study of one is not scientific proof. I looked at Wahls and she states in her book that her diet works by reaching ketosis. 🤔. Good luck 🤞.


Hi I have PPMS and have been doing the Best Bet diet for about 8 years and I know my mobility would be much worse if I hadn't followed the diet I take lots of supplements I take magnesium for spasms which is amazing also Vitamin B Complex I never like to run of because I get really bad tingling and Pain if I stop taking it everyday I find exercise really helps with fatigue and just seems to wake me up, I brought the book by Judy Graham ms naturally it's got some great advice on diet and exercise but there are plenty of books on diet and ms it's hard to stick to but I think it's worth it