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Genetics and MS...finally

After years of seeing reports of no genetic markers found or genetic ties it sounds like this is being looked into. I can't think of any of my relatives with MS but in this group there are constant references to a grandpa that had it or cousins, etc. For a disease that is relatively rare it seem like there are too many mentions of close family members that they know that have MS. In my case my mom was bi-polar and in her 60's developed a condition similar to parkinsons but not exactly that. Her mother had multi-in farc dementia. Not MS but maybe someday they will find some linkages. Just thought I'd toss this out there in case others hadn't see the info: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/new-research-indicates-ms-may-be-genetic-in-some-families?slot_pos=article_2&utm_source=Sailthru%20Email&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=multiplesclerosis&utm_content=2019-10-03&apid=29101565

Yes indeed. I have a daughter so my concerns are with her and my nieces and nephews. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. If those you are concerned about can get an MRI to look for lesions and be eligible for treatments a soon as they are diagnosed that would help...


There HAS to be a link in there somewhere! I’ve been reading and researching like crazy and, although nobody else in my family has or ever had MS, I keep finding links to other things. Links to Crohns, Alzheimer’s, Guillan-Barré, Labrynthitis, relationships between medications for different conditions, etc. I HATE this horrible feeling that I get, almost like déja vu, when I find out about relations with other things that run in my family (even though none of those other things are believed to be genetic either). But most importantly, I want to make sure I don’t pass this on to any future kids or watch my brother experience the same things as me. That was one of the first questions I asked at my 1st MS Nurse appointment - “I have a brother. How likely is he to get MS and how can we prevent it?” There HAS to be something there.