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Hi. I am a 2 on the EDSS disability scale. I am being tested for consideration for this aggressive treatment. i want to know what you all think about it. Should i go for it or are the side effects to risky? Does it work to keep me walking for a bit longer?

Hi @harrys and welcome. You're right HSCT is very aggressive and has its risk. But, there again, MS is also aggressive and has obvious risks to your future quality of life. In a way, you're fortunate to be considered for this treatment, which is still in its infancy in the UK. Being Progressive, there aren't many other options available. The concept behind this treatment is to use the chemo to destroy your immune system. The stem cells, which have been harvested previously, are then reintroduced to help the immune system to regenerate. Hopefully, this regeneration will not replicate the MS feature which attacks your Central Nervous System. (CNS). I would wait and see how the tests go before you start concerning yourself with whether to manage the risks. Good luck.


Hi Stumbler. Thanks for your comments. I had the MRI scan today and in some way I'm hoping that my neurologist ends up telling me that I can't be considered so I won't have to make a difficult decision. But you are right that there aren't many options available. Doing nothing is also not an option as I have a feeling that this time next year I may not even be able to wipe my own nose! Does anyone know of anyone who is actually trying HSCT? Harry S