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PIP and carers allowance

Howdy all. For all those in the UK, has anyone had a successful application for PIP and/or carers. My wife is my full time carer but she doesn't qualify for carers allowance as I don't get PIP. I have been declared unfit for work but am in the appeals process for PIP as it "doesn't affect me on a daily basis" which is just ludicrous. Has anyone else been in this position and found anywhere that can help financially while going through the process?

Hello - Yes, they can be really ludicrous and unpredictable. It's as if they're on a commission for NOT paying PIPS. The only way I made any progress was by seeing Consumer Advice and being helped by someone who used to work for the interviewers. I would advise.


They can be an absolute pain,my MS is pretty severe, so I’ve applied and traversed the application process. The best application advice I was, write the application as if on your worst day. In terms of financial help, during the process I have no help for you, unfortunately.