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Head issues?

Hi gang! Does anyone's head just not feel like their head anymore? My neurologist says it's brain fog but I don't think it is. I don't have any issues with thinking, concentration or doing things, my head just doesn't feel like I'm in control, I kind feel like a passenger 😂 I honestly don't know how to explain it.

@Loriwho hi yes I totally get it , it’s like I am in the room but totally disengaged and sometimes feels like someone is squashing my head between their hands it’s totally weird and sometimes quite worrying but passes after a while , I usually have a quick nap and find I return to normal x


first of all it can be brain frog, but to avoid all those trouble, remove dairy from your diet, decrease sugar, avoid stress, relax yourself when you’re feeling tired,and there are more to do. check all my post related to cog frog, fatigue ,Ms management to learn more from neurologist