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The ol' annual MRI

I have mine tomorrow: brain and spine, so about two hours in the tube. Just reaching out to those who really get how stressful and weighty this MRI can feel. Pretty amped up. Trying to brreeaattthhheee

I went for the same scans last week. I was a bit worried because I didn't really know why I was being sent for them - I only got diagnosed a year ago so don't know the routine. Turns out it's just to keep a check on it all. I find them quite relaxing to be honest, the repetitive noise and vibration is quite soothing. But then again, I could sleep on the back of a galloping hedgehog.


My way of dealing with MRI is to treat it as a time to relax and chill. This was not always the case in the early days! I started listening to white noise at bedtime which I find soothing. So now when I’m wheeled into the tube, I go without the headphones, and the white noise of the machine lulls me into a doze and I let my mind slip away to a happy place.