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Experience of studying?

I’m just wondering if anyone has any experience of managing MS symptoms while studying? I’m looking to retrain but I’m aware that stress is one of my biggest triggers for worsening of symptom a, especially fatigue and cognitive issues. I’m worried that what uses to be manageable stress (workload and deadlines) will cause an exacerbation and make it harder than it’s already likely to be in my mid-40s! Any feedback, either way, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you ☺️

That’s an excellent question ? My brain and mind feel the same ! As a disabled person we entitled to lots of discounts from tests ,computers ,etc things that may give you a step up !….best of luck keep people informed of how you get on


@Byte_mii I am interested to hear some answers to this question as well. I might be looking at returning to college/ university, and I'm concerned I may not be able to due to my MS. I would assume the answer would be different for everyone depending on how much of an effect MS has had on neurological function(s) / memory, etc. But, honestly, it's never too late to start anew. A new career, learn new skills, read a new book... take it one day and step at a time, but, I would go for it. I would consider having a chat with the professor or program co-ordinator beforehand to discuss the course load of your program, and mentioning your concerns and ask what would be the best way to navigate them, or what would that professor do to better accommodate a student who has MS, but still would like to take a college or university program? They might have some suggestions, or be able to be quite honest with you on the level of difficulty of the course. But, I would say if someone tells you that you can't do it, I'd do it anyway, nothing is impossible, given the right environment and people on your team to help you reach your fullest potential. :) And no matter at what age either!