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Over heating... going out of my mind!

I posted the other day about getting hot so apologies but I’m going out of my mind!!! Iv been getting ridiculously hot as well as having hot flashes around my head neck chest and back. It’s almost like my skin is burning, it feels like sun burn. Iv had tonnes of blood tests back and all normal (liver count slightly high but usually is) the Dr just said everything’s normal. My ms nurse said ‘sometimes things happen to your body and we just don’t know what it is”. I thought you could get burning experience with MS but this is like over heating even when I’m even cold. The only thing I seem to read is that getting hot or cold can make your symptoms worse... I don’t have any ms symtoms currently at all. Any got any ideas!?

@blagaman182 , I'm not medical by any stretch of the imagination, but over-heating can be a symptom of over-active thyroid. This can be diagnosed from a blood test, but sometimes the correct blood tests aren't requested. The full symptoms of this condition can be found here :- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/overactive-thyroid-hyperthyroidism/symptoms/ There's also some generic tips to help with hot flushes:- Environment - Keep your room cool – use a fan if necessary. - Wear layers of light clothing so you can easily take clothes off if you overheat. - Have layers of bedclothes to remove as you need to. - Wear natural fibres such as silk or cotton instead of synthetic (artificial) fabrics. - Have a lukewarm shower or bath instead of a hot one. - Put a towel on your bed if you sweat a lot at night. - Cooling pads can help to keep you cool. - Try to stay calm under pressure as heightened emotions can cause a hot flush to start. Diet - Cut out coffee, tea and nicotine. - Sip cold or iced drinks. - Try to drink alcohol in moderation.


@stumbler Thankyou. The dr says thyroid has been included in 3 tests. This is my first thought. It took my mum 6 blood tests to find out she had a problem with hers. So maybe. I’m not sure what a hot flush feels like with other people but from what Iv read there fairly short. Iv had a hot head/face all day long!