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Have mentioned this to my MS nurse whos going to contact the consultant. So currently on 80mg of baclofen a day. But find im having spasticity especially in my legs. While standing (with aid of cruthes) in a short queue (eg couple of people in front at a coffee shop). Often find my Left leg (generally). Will bend up so i will end up standing like a flamingo, which kind of sticks in that position for a bit if i try to put it down on floor it will jump straight back up. Then sitting down leg will start spasming. Whle also having times when my back will sort of spasm which in turn causes me to bend over to my knees while sitting almost like im curling up. Just not sure if it’s due to my MS, lumbar stenosis or something else Hopefully been able to explain that in some way that makes sense! anyone able to relate

I'm finding accupuncture with massage is helping & in particular turmeric oil (contains curcumin)


Hi @AroAce ! I guess your brain is firing up neurons al over the place like a bad fireworks show. Have you tried some anti epileptic drugs alongside Baclofen?