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Appointment to discuss treatment

Evening…. After a long wait I have my appointment with neuro next week. I have made a list of questions but would appreciate any advice you can give me on things to ask ect please? Thanks

Hi Adam. I’m sure you have an extensive list already. However, I found it helpful to look up the DMT options prior to going to the treatment appointment. I was sent home from that appointment with a decision to make between two different medications. I found the following tools useful in helping me decide: https://mstrust.org.uk/information-support/ms-drugs-treatments/ms-decisions-aid https://www.mssociety.org.uk/living-with-ms/treatments-and-therapies/disease-modifying-therapies/disease-modifying-treatment-dmt-decision-tool Questions wise I would ask about side effects, whether you need additional tests or vaccines prior to starting, is there a loading month or do you just start in to regular treatment. I also asked the doctor to explain why both of the drugs they were suggesting were suitable, specifically for me or not. And lastly, this could be different in Ireland but how to actually set up your treatment with your local pharmacy. I had a bit of a run around trying to do that. best of luck with the appointment!


Thanks much appreciated