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Hi all, me again... Just wondering if anyone is tackling their symptoms the natural way through their diet? What supplements are people taking ? What is working naturally for people ? What foods are a trigger for you? And what foods are helping ?

This is a common thread in this group so if you follow the tag on your post you will see many previous discussions. Current MS society recommendations are a "heart healthy diet"...like they advise everyone ;-0 some swear by the Swank diet or the Wahls protocol. It is clear that a good diet helps everyone and MSrs more than most will be helped by a good diet...just what that means may be as individual as MS is to each of us. My direction has been more to a "Real Food" diet (which you can google) and seems to be the approach of Dr Boster's recent recommendations as well. Basically nothing can come from a box or a mix. Real foods...no processed crap. It is a real investment financially and in your time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XsGULqWSWM Also-keep in mind how fast this research is moving and people are changing their recommendations...so once you find something that works check for their most recent research. The recent clips of Terry Wahl she is not standing delivering her speeches because of a different issue...hmmm...and she also has done and continues to do a lot of additional things for her health and mobility...so it isn't all her diet. Paleo Boss Lady is a Wahl warrior that has tweaked it for her and is very interesting...but don't fool yourself that she is out there hitting it hard. She gets around but limits herself and conserves energy. So good luck! looking forward to the recommendations that come up- has been discussed before so also check your tag above or search using the magnifying glass in the upper left-


The MS Society advice about diet ("be sensible, lots of fibre, watch the calories") seems to have the biggest effect. If you want to lose £'s then there are paid for "MS diets" and books you could spend on but they have no clinical evidence to back them up as being any better than standard advice. In the end they just use more words to say what I wrote above. Maybe I should write one too. Personally I've noticed that carbs - especially bread and cakes - make me tired, so I save those for evenings when I don't need any energy.