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Returning to work

I’m returning to work next week after 4 months of furlough. My job entails some lifting of items up and down the stairs and since being off my mobility and strength has deteriorated somewhat. Any advice on how I can speak to my employer about these issues as a little worried about broaching this subject with them. I’ve been at this job for a little over 2 years and had MS when I was originally employed.

Hello @samantha-taggsky-com, firstly, most of us with MS have experienced this phenomenon of deterioration during lockdown. My Neurologist told me that all her patients have reported this, so you're not alone. Can you get an Occupational Health Assessment through your employer? If not, workplaces will be producing a Risk Assessment for the workforce. For example, mine (a school) has produced one and is asking all employees to rate their own vulnerability against it, taking account of medications, underlying conditions etc. So you could maybe ask yours is there is an updated Risk Assessment for those returning from furlough and take it from there? Good luck :-)


@vixen, thank you for this info. Is a Risk Assessment something all employers are legally bound to do?