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Numb/tingling legs

So im mid relapse and it first started off with tingling toes, then my whole left leg became weak and my foot seemed to get foot drop. This is the first time ive had this and i couldn't walk properly at all (i was so embarrassed) i just stayed at home resting as much as i can with a 20 mth old who is like the whirling dervish. After 2 weeks my foot was stronger and i could now move it better, but the last couple of days ive got numb around my lower stomach and this morning my legs have both gone tingly grrrrrr. Why do you think your getting better than bam something else starts? has anybody else had this experience and will i eventually get better?

I had the exact same thing and it moved around, imagine the patches of tingling/numbness as the blobs in a lava lamp!! It will get better but you're doing the right thing by resting when you can!x


Hey Sian, Yeah, I've had the spreading tingling thing before myself, normally either just in or leg or both at the the same time and then spreading up/down my leg. It makes sense that it can spread across to the other leg too though. I like to think of my MS like a little creature (small, furry, maybe purple) that munches away at my myelin, until its gets full, then my firefighters can start putting the metaphorical flames out. As far as the getting better bit goes, it can just be viewed like any other relapse, will it get better? Hopefully, I know my feeling did return, it did take its time though. If its really unbareable for you, you should speak with your MS nurse, you might get prescribed steroids which would help to speed your recovery :-)