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Just Diagnosed.... Help!

Good afternoon everyone. My name is Rachel, a 33 year old mum to a very energetic 7 year old boy. I have very recently been diagnosed with MS and after having my first call with my hospitals MS specialist today they put me in touch with this very special and unique site. I am very new to this and incredibly overwhelmed with what the diagnosis entails so looking for advice on absolutely everything, I do not know where to start! Thank you all in advance for your support, Rachel

Welcome to the forum that no one really wanted to know about or join ;-0 but thankfully it is here and we can all support each other. I was Dx 15 years ago so thought I had heard everything and experienced it all but this group has taught me so much and I realize how different each of our experiences is. This is a great place to start. You will see the tags at the bottom of your post and they will bring you to other posts with similar tags. You can also search any topics using the looking glass in the upper left. You can tag people in your notes or responses by using "@" in front of their handle. In the upper right you will receive notifications to check and can friend people to have private dialogues with. Wonderful resources on this group. If course the MS Societies have good information and should be checked as well as Dr Boster's You Tube channel. There is a lot to learn there and this is his starter message to the newly diagnosed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvQXygHtYzc&t=123s Ask what you want or search- welcome-


Hi firstly don’t make any sudden changes. All will become clearer. As a lone mum of two when I was diagnosed I immediately went into doom doomed doomed but actually I wasn’t and it’s been OK. Even if it is worst case scenario you will be ok and he will be ok. As UK based MSer I like https://multiple-sclerosis-research.org/ive-just-been-diagnosed/ Barts MS centre blog. It’s a bit technical sometimes but they know and they are at the forefront of treatment in the UK. Self care is the key. All the best StrictlySoca