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So this is all new to me. My first incident happened in Aug, and they are just now saying it looks like ms. so a month and a half later I go back to work and by week two I'm feeling heavier and heavier. yesterday I'm feeling so weak I cant get up again, is this a relapse? Do I go to the doctors or do I stay in bed? How long do you have to rest when this happens. Days? What is your typical recovery time and how do you work with your employer through something like this. I cant lose my job.

Looks like you need a definitive diagnosis...typically that is done by a neurologist through an MRI. Sounds like some prefer a lumbar puncture. I've never had one of those. There are a lot of resources in your area available just in a google search. I see: http://www.scneuroclinic.com/ that looks promising. Just make sure it is a Neuro with MS training. IF you are having a RRMS relapse you will have issues that stick around until your brain rewires around them. The time depends on where it hits, how big it is and how quickly your body rewires. If you get in for an MRI they may be able to identify an active lesion if you are having a flare/relapse. They often just last for a couple of weeks so it is important to have the MRI during this time. If it is active you'd likely be given steroids (prednisone) to shut it down. I tolerated this treatment well during the several flares I had and they were quickly resolved. Others don't tolerate it well at all. If this doesn't appear to be a clinically isolated syndrome case (where it just happens once the neurologist would recommend a DMT (drug) appropriate for you. I'd recommend you find out for sure to stop driving yourself crazy and start on a path forward.


You may not be able to find a neuro with MS training where you live. I live in Wichita, KS population close to half of million people in the area. We don't have any MS neurologist, the closest one is 200 miles to Kansas City. She has a year long waiting list. Your GP should be able to recommend a good neuro for you. Potter