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Epstein Barr Virus and MS links

I just want to hear people's stories, if there are any, about any experience with this virus and the possibility of it contributing to the cause of ms. I had Glandular fever at 16, and ten years later, DX with MS. Has anyone else experienced this or similar?

This link has been known for a long time. Like 100% of people with MS test positive for exposure to Epstein Barr and about 80 some percent of the population do (that could be US) but they can't find a causal link. I certainly was exposed growing up in Mn and Wisc in the US as kids were always out of school for "Mono" but I never got it or at least sick enough that I was held out of school or treated for it. I also didn't get chicken pox other than a little dot under my diaper as a baby when the rest of the house went down with it. I didn't get mumps when my sister and brother had it. I was never sick with anything. My only Achilles heel seemed to be strep..I got that every year and ear infections off and on. https://www.webmd.com/multiple-sclerosis/news/20090504/epstein-barr-virus-linked-to-ms#1 I don't know if they are still looking into figuring out if there is a link here. This article was 10 years old.


@itsmewithms @nutshell88 - I had GF really bad when I was 16, came on really quickly after my birthday, I went to the doctors and they gave me penicillin and at that point I didn't know I was allergic, so it did nothing but made me worse, a week later I ended up back at the doctors as I wasnt any better, end up sitting outside the doctors for air as I was burning up, couldn't physically take anything or swallow cos m face has swollen so much, even my neck. I pass out outside he doctors and was carried in on a surgery bed having cold water chucked over me, and I was force fed paracetamol because the doctor told my mum that if I didn't get paracetamol and my temperature down, that my brain and heart would give out. My temperature was at 41/42 which is dangerous. I honestly believe that whatever happen then, contributed towards my current situation. Since e that infection, my body was never the same. I've seen stories of people having an element of epstein barr virus and 10 years later being DX. But then there are other that have had the virus, but no real after effects.