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Optic Neuritis in right eye

So I recently was diagnosed with optic neuritis in my right eye, my doctor wants to put me on 3 day iv steroids. Does this help, how long will this fuzzy/blurriness be in my eye? What is your experience with optic neuritis?

Hi @bbaughman and welcome. A course of high dosage steroids should address the inflammation on your optic nerve causing the problem. Once the inflammation is resolved, your body/brain can get on with recovering the damage that has been done. The steroids will be helping this process over the following 6-8 weeks. But, you must rest up to allow this recovery to take place. You'll need to be patient though. Visual problems can take some time to fully recover.....


I had retrobulbar (optic) neuritis 20 years ago. I was diagnosed in ophthalmology department and was told it would resolve by itself. No pain involved although I did go colour blind in the affected eye. I could still see, just a patch of fuzziness in central vision of rt eye, peripheral vision was OK. Took a few weeks to sort itself out and no more episodes since. No experience of steroids, perhaps this is a recent recommendation? Hope it resolves quickly, with or without steroids.