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Does anyone else experience crippling fatigue. Most days I can't even function. I'm on amantidine which my neurologist increased from 100mg twice a day to 200mg twice a day. I was only able to take this for 1 week because it caused insomnia and yes I took 1 dose at breakfast and one at 12pm. I try and keep myself moving but this increases the pain level. Is there something else I could try.

I hugely empathise as fatigue can be severe for me too. Overall I manage it well with no meds, nutrition and gut health. And breathwork. (Specifically transformational breath). But when it hits, tough as it is I just have to work through it and try to keep my eyes open.


Well what I’m on for fatigue is what’s called in canada “ Alertec which is modafinil, I Take 100 mg twice daily Morning and noon If I forget then I’ll be so so tired, I mark it down in my iPhone so I know if I took the lunch dose