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Any teachers or ex-teachers on here?

About to make a huge decision regarding continuing in the profession I (used to) love, after 25 years, and would find your experiences/decisions really useful. Thanks!!

I used to teach but it was too much for me. I have been working in museums for a little over 2 years now planning events and booking tours for teachers and other groups. I'm also an artist so I work for this company to give one off art classes to kids in Northern Canada. It's a better alternative to full-time education


Hello @styubud, the question is, do you feel able to remain, or are your physical limitations the problem? Have you had an Occupational Health assessment through the school? This would be a great start, as they would be able to ID possibilities. I think you need to be clear with yourself what you want as the best starting point. I was DH of a school when I got diagnosed aged 50. So not exactly a teacher, but I've been able to bend a shape my role since then. I now work 20 hours and have a great quality of life! If you're in a union, speak to them too. You're welcome to PM me if you'd like any further chat. Good luck!