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Darn Double Vision

Hi all, I'm med free at the moment but recently I've been experiencing double vision. A week or so back i fell off my bike riding on ice, nearly cracked pelvis but got away with just heavy muscular bruising, the Doc at the hospital did say that this incident may cause MS related symptoms to flare up. A week later I've developed fatigued induced double vision. Main question, is there anything that can be prescribed to help with the double vision? or is it just a case of sitting it out?

@mscyclist , the stress/shock of the accident may well have provoked some relapse activity. Contact your MS Nurse as visual impairments are usually a good reason to take a short course of high dose steroids to "nip this in the bud" and try to being this episode to a quick conclusion.


Thanks Stumbler, i'm trying to contact my MS nurse as we speak but so far i cannot get an answer. Do you think these steroids could be issued by my local GP?