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New to gilenya - does anyone take this as would like to know if - Does your pulse drop everything you take your daily dose Do you feel tired straight after taking your daily dose? Want to know if this is normal for others. Thanks

Hello, Was diagnosed 2004 Stopped MS drugs 2010 Started Gilenya 2019 age 31 maybe heart pulse wasnt too low first dose high after Things I noticed when I started Gilenya, 1/ it clarified my guts somehow. Or was a coincidence. 2/felt slightly bit mobility/strength weakness. I Used to carry a tray with a full cup of coffee dinner or cake and an iphone in my jeans headphones in my ears lol before Gilenya My muscles so got weak akin on bones you can say and my bones too maybe due to MS and the fact im not active 3/ I run out of breath easy 4/ I feel sleepy right after daily dose 5/ heart drops 6/ I love tea and coffee chocolate ect 7/ I eat at home mosly and I drink full fat milk not committed to supplements of vitamin D calcium from the hospital. 8/ but couple days ago I walked over 1000 meters I would still choose to take Gilenya But not right after diagnosed or wven close


On 2009 I got vertigo because of tension I didnt finish my steroid hospitalization dose skeptical about drugs as I alwaus am Still the effect of vertigo presents getting worse with Gilenya after quarantine was bad on stairs for a while now the. Better for several yrs but now cant go up even pavement sometime specialty outside in public like panic attack every-time I get one step higher Maybe not from Gilenya but from the fact I was diagnosed long ago