Hi there. Interested to know if anyone has experience of taking Vumerity? I read it is same effect as Tecfidera but easier on gastrointestinal system. I think it could be an option for me but welcome views. Thanks, PJ
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Hello :) It is my first MS medication and fortunately I have no side effects at all. No matter if on an empty or full stomach. I wish you all the best!
Hi there. Vumerity as my first DMT. I was grateful to finally have any sort of treatment and it was covered at no cost to me. I did have side effects that I didn’t like but would have made the best of it. Unfortunately, I had another relapse/exacerbation and had to switch. The common side effect of flushing was intense for me. I tried all the recommended steps to prevent it but it persisted. The flushing for me was not just cheeks turning red. It was like on giant hive. Very itchy, hot, sick feeling. Twice a day. Not everyone experiences flushing and for those that do, it’s often a minor side effect. Hope it works well for you!