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MS Hug

Hi all! Curious how many here experience the MS Hug and hiw long do they usually last? Mine have been coming more frequently these past two months and will persist for 1-2 days sometimes. 😳

MS hug can come and go. But one the best medication will be baclofen , but it must be prescribed to you. You can’t get it at a counter table. Also it has side effects. It’s can weaken your leg if you take too much of it. Check my post about my hug and pain to understand what are different things that can happen during MS hug


I hate them. Mine have thankfully eased off. I get a bad one that leaves me breathless and I can barely move, maybe once a month and they pass in about 10-30mins. Mostly mine now are just annoying and a niggling that can last a couple of days rather than being excruciating.