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The words we use to describe ourselves

Hi fellow MSers! I was recently introducing myself on a Facebook group for a course I am doing, and wanted to let them know about my MS as it's just as much a part of me as my job. I was going to write 'ms sufferer' but that sounds so selfpitying so I put 'ms warrior' instead, but I don't really like that phrase either as this war will never be won. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

@Vickyms, 'Living with MS' is quite neutral.....


Hey 👋 I have to say I dislike the term warrior too I don’t feel like I am warrior at all in fact quite the opposite, I actually do feel like I’m suffering but I understand the self pity and desire to reframe it. Living with MS is pretty good, how about “MS Navigator” from this article- https://multiplesclerosis.net/living-with-ms/warrior