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How would you describe it? Either as something you're living with I was asked if its something I experience daily & wasn't sure how to put it I'm syre the stress isnt helping it (Bad employers)

Life with fatigue is horrible. I have heard it described as feeling like “trying to swim in a fur coat.” Also it is an invisible symptom. It can also vary. Sometimes I think I will be tired, and sometimes I feel fine. Other times it is totally disabling.


Ask them if they have ever had a hangover. Tell them it's like that, but without the fun of the night before. Then tell them to read this and quiz them on it afterwards. If they can be bothered to ask you the question, they can be bothered to read the details. https://www.mssociety.org.uk/care-and-support/resources-and-publications/publications-search/ms-in-the-workplace-an-employers-guide