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Getting doctor to take u seriously

Need advice, I have an up coming appointment with my neurologist I want to talk to him about my memory and my back and joint pain, but he always brushes it off aS ‘WELL THATS PRETTY NORMAL’ but it’s like Noo it’s not , it feel like I dislocate my knee it it keep it bent for too long… so no it’s not normal but he just rambles on. I just need advice on what to say.

all joints pain, start looking for turmeric tea. for your memory, look for extra strength brain focus, there are things that I talk about and there never take it seriously. I have to find the solution myself


I have similar experiences with pain and Neuro not really being interested in it. In the end I took myself to the GP and told him I wanted to deal with the specific physical symptoms I have. The GP can refer you to appropriate doctors to get it sorted and get referrals for physio etc.