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Staying Positive when overwhelmed

Hello, can anyone share any tips or advice on how to manage the days when you feel overwhelmed?? How you stay positive in the face of your condition with all types of MS. Thanks

life me it’s about putting life in to perspective. Yes it’s a horrible disease and diagnosis can be traumatic but life moves on and it’s about living your life as best as you can . And the key to remember is that we can . Don’t mourn your previous life but try and embrace your new life as much as you can . Don’t concentrate on what you have lost but concentrate on the things you can still do and totally embrace them . There are going to be bumps along the way but you will get over them and adapt your lif to any changing circumstances. Slways happy to chat if you ever need to . You are stronger than you probably think you are 😊💪.


Yeah I get it. I’m struggling to see a light and a way forward. Everything you say is how I’m feeling. I’m going through the diagnosis process and and mourning for the person I was. I want to fight and be strong but I don’t know if I have it in me