Questions for a Carer?
My husband and I are going to do the Twitter Takeover for a weekend at the end of April. I was wondering if you have any questions you'd like to ask a carer? My husband (obviously) loves me, but he has his annoyances with MS. He worries all the time about me. He has had to miss work because of "our" MS. So, I thought a good subject for our takeover might be "ask a care person" or even those of us with MS could express what we think about those that care for us - whether it is good bad or ugly. I can repost from here if you want it to not have your Twitter handle. Or perhaps you have a story about a doctor or nurse. I'd like to have a few questions for my husband to answer about our daily lives taking care of my stubborn self. We have stairs in our new home - and I'm learning to do them quite well. He's less than amused. No two of us are the same, so we would *love* to answer questions about how he handles situations with not only me with MS, but our son (he's 12). So ask here, or log in 19-22 April and ask then. We'd love to have a community conversation and learn what support looks like everywhere!
Your son has MS too???
No. Sorry if I made it seem that way! He does have a lack of myelin sheath, but not MS. I pray to the gods he doesn't end up with MS, but each day I feared it may come to that.....but no. He is just part of the team of caring, and also hubby has to balance me and child. That's what I was trying to say. My bad!