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MRI results

Got my MRI results letter this evening, corrr it's hard to even understand with all the medical words that make no sense haha! The only bit I understand is that the MRI doesn't show any new lesions! But does anyone on here know what 'mild generalised cerebral volume loss that has progressed slightly compared to 2017' I don't wanna Google in case it means something really bad, and I can never get hold of my ms nurse! Any help would be great!
Peterborough, UK

@Louise2424 , Hi Louise, I believe this is quite common and I wouldn't ever suggest going down the internet rabbit warren.. Been there, got the badge. Fundamentally, every part of the human body has a performance timeline, which you can tweak to get the most out of your MS'ed body.. Just only put GOOD STUFF IN, Look after your MIND & SOUL. Be kind to yourself. Martin.✌️