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Immune system boosts..

Since DMTs typically lower your immune system, has anybody got any advice on how to strengthen the good bits of it (if even possible) to try and avoid infections/colds etc? Starting Ocrevus on Monday and starting to panic about immunosuppression. I catch everything going in general, never mind with a DMT in me!
London, United Kingdom

Are you taking any supplements? Omega 3, vitamin C and B.


@Livia19 Definitely vitamins and probiotics, D3, C, a multivitamin wouldn’t hurt either… I’ve been on the O almost a year now, getting sick is perfectly normal so don’t sweat it or overthink it. You just have to try and stay on top of it and treat it as soon as possible, I got a cold once in the year of being on the O and it came and went ina week, it’s nbd so don’t worry about it, also things like a healthier overall diet “Whole Foods” and things like intermittent fasting goes a longggggggg way with MS, my symptoms were automatically reduced by 50% just from those things alone, without the O. You’re going to be fine and you’re definitely not alone, I also watched a couple YT videos one the first infusion to get a better idea of what to expect and it definitely helped. You got this 100%