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partial face numbness

Hi, apologies for posting again so quickly! Just trying to work out if the symptoms I'm having are MS related or something else. In addition to a numb left hand with pins and needles, I've now got a weirdly numb face. But it's on the upper right hand side. Can MS related facial numbness be just part of the face? Is it likely to be related considering it's on the other side? Thanks for all your support guys- not sure where I'd be without this group!

@LexM-D Yes, it can. I know when I am stressed as my face goes numb, its like someone has drawn a circle around the entire circumference of my face, but it doesn't affect my nose or mouth. It can also be associated with migraines. Take notes, what was affected, how long it lasted, what you think may have caused it, then on your next visit to your MS healthcare team let them know about it. If you see no improvement in a couple of days, contact your MS healthcare team as it may be something unrelated.


totally agree with @AndreaG the relapse that led to my diagnosis was left hand side numbness literally as if someone had cut me in half from the top of my head all the way down. I get the facial numbness often not as bad as the first relapse think it’s related to nerve damage as it’s independent of relapse and is triggered but temperature change, seasonal weather, stress, sleep, etc etc Try not to worry doesn’t have to be anything sinister just a symptom - take care of you 💪👍🤞😊🍀