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Does anyone else get tremors? I get them only in my left hand recently. Everytime I pick up glass with water and my coordination has gotten really poor. Any tips in how to at least cope with it. Thank u in advance

Hi, yes I have a tremor mainly in my right hand. It's called a postural tremor and the closer that I bring my hand to my body the worse it gets. I drop cups all the time, miss my mouth or spill everything. If it is particularly bad I use plastic cups with lids to prevent scolding myself and having to mop the floor. I don't think there is anything that you can do physically to improve it. I asked my MS nurse and she said it can be worse when you're fatigued. There isn't any medication that can help to my knowledge (if there is I'd be interested to know). I think it's just a case of self management.


Hey I get tremors on and off! I've had them in my hands, legs, shoulder, abs! I have a really intense symptom which is like a tremor/seizure like thing from time to time and I get this about once or twice or year and it's quite debilitating. It only lasts around 8 days usually then goes away! I think I get them worse if I'm stressed or anxious. I hope yours aren't too bad. I know they are such a pain xxxx