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MS and Insomnia film project

Are you so tired that your tired is tired? We’re working on a film project about MS and Insomnia and we’d like to hear from you. We’re looking to collect a range of recorded audio and written experiences, which will be used to inspire visuals for a film about MS and insomnia. So, how can you get involved? All you need is your 📱 and Facebook Messenger. Send us a voice message to let us know #whatkeepsyouawake - go to Facebook messenger, select Shift.ms, then select the 🎙 and hold to send us an audio message. Or respond to this post and write about your experience. https://www.facebook.com/shift.ms/ Get in touch any time of day, but you’re encouraged to make the call or write a post at night, when you find yourself unable to sleep... Not sure what to say? Here's a few pointers to get you started. What goes through your mind when you're lying awake in bed? Describe what a sleepless night means for you? What are your recurring thoughts in those moments? How does insomnia make you feel and what would you compared it to? If we include your story as part of the film, we'll drop you a line and let you know how we're going to use it and get your permission in advance.