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Ways of coping

Hi everyone!! One of the ways I've been dealing and coping with my new diagnosis is through prayer & meditation. I am a very spiritual person and I'm also in recovery. So I've been using the tools of my 12 step program as a way to keep myself calm and level-headed. And it's working πŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏ. What are some ways you all keep yourselves emotionally stable? 😊

I also pray but I also use something called ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) which all about accepting that life isn’t perfect, identifying your values and focussing on actions which are in line with your values. A great book is The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris.


We have a saying in my program: Acceptance is the answer to all our problems. And we can find no serenity until we accept that person, place or thing (that we're struggling with) as exactly as it is.