Trigeminal neuralgia
Has anyone els had to deal with Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) due to their MS ?
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Yes indeed! My TN isn’t really a chronic problem (no daily or weekly flares), but when it hits, OHHHHH boy, it really hits HARD! Mine usually starts deep in my left ear canal, travels down, under & across my jawbone, then settles into my neck (gland area). Only a few times did I have it on both sides of my head. The pain is excruciating. I’ve figured out a few of the triggers which tend to bring on my TN, so I try to avoid those if possible. If you ever want to chat more about this, I’d be happy to connect anytime. 🧡
hi Deb (am a Deb too 😃) I had TN but was sure I brought it on myself through blowing my nose too hard & too often (bit of a long story why I was doing this & it involved suprpubic catheter removal, but happy to tell if anyone interested) Anyway it was excrutiatingly painful on one side of my face plus couldn't clean my teeth,touch/wash my face (even a slight brush would be agonising), thank god I didn't have a cold at the time 😬 After a couple of days it went- no medication. I'm always banging on about how I don't really think I've got MS then find out TN is there in some MSers ☹️