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Feeling abit overwhelmed these last few month's. Mom passed away.

Am executor to my mom's estate and have to travel to get her place organized. Back and forth. Am wiped out and flared up. I have a sister who is helping with paperwork, but am just too tired to deal with anything. Tired of being tired.

I am sorry that you are going through this loss and all of the work and stress that accompanies handling her estate. When my mother in law passed away several years ago, the emotional stress really hit me. I was walking up to the podium at the church for a reading and my legs suddenly went extremely heavy and weak. I knew it was the MS…I hadn’t really experienced it quite that strongly…and I knew then that emotional or cognitive stress can really flare up those sensations any symptoms. I hope that I will be strong enough in the future to deal with similar events. It is just a totally different experience for us with MS. People can’t see how emotional events magnify our physical pain. I know that God knows exactly what we are feeling. We have to ask for help…go slower…get your rest. I hope it makes you feel better today to know that there are others who are just totally sick of this illness….totally fed up with being fatigued. God bless you and your family while you are grieving and trying to do the work.


Thank you so much for your kindness Crisscross21, it really helps.