Secondary Progressive - same old MS, right?
For those who are a couple decades into their diagnosis, how do you know when you are transitioning into the Secondary Progressive category? It sounds like SPMS involves less active inflammation and more side effects of prior MS damage. Is that basically correct? If you are willing to share, did you stay on the same DMT or was there any reason to change treatment? Thanks all for any comments! Praying for strength for all and days of better relief in the future.
@Criscross21 you type of know, your disability gets worse, you start using a cane and a wheelchair. Your symptoms are consent and don't go away . Your body does not recover, so you have more damage over time. For example pins and needles never goes away for me And yes you change DMT, in my case to siponimod. Take care
Agree with @Criscross21 you kind of know because relapses don’t really happen, just a decline in things like walking, standing, cognitive issues. Every day feels the same. Having said that, think it’s important to enjoy the little things in life and focus on keeping as active as you can.