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Hi, I had an appointment with my neurologist yesterday, apparently I have relapsed. The symptoms I am having are really hard to describe but I have what feels like heat radiating from my left side, from my chest down to my foot. The problem I have is, I don't see this listed anywhere as a "symptom'' of ms. I know that it is down to my relapse, but has anyone had feelings like this?

Hi I don't have heat down the side of my body, but I have pain down the right hand side of my body. I think different people get different type of syptoms depending on their diagnosis. I'm no expert though, so run it past your MS nurse or consultant if your are worried. I'm also from the UK, so hi.


Hey! I get this crazy heat that feels like it’s radiating from my bones. Got it the first time I relapsed in my right leg the morning before the tonic spasms started. Just recently had another relapse and got the same intense heat down the whole of my right side. Really hard to describe to other people. I myself am not hot, nor hot to touch, but my BONES are on fire! But no pain, just HEAT. So weird, right?! 🤣