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Visible health app

Has anyone tried the visible health app to help with fatigue? It’s meant for people with CFS/ME or long covid, but I wondered if it was any good! The app is free so going to give it a go I think…

Hey! I've just started using the paid app and armband a week ago. I was using the free one but wasn't finding it that helpful but this is brilliant. Still gathering data at the mo and I'm not changing my behaviour and still running myself into the ground but it's insightful. I can see why I'm running myself into the ground and I can see what's causing it. I'm going to keep on with it! Don't know if I'd recommend it yet, but I'm quietly hopeful it'll be a game changer in the long run...


That’s really good to know, thank you! I’m not finding the free app very useful yet- it seems to base everything on how well I sleep. If you find it works, I’d love to hear about it! 😊