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Selfish of me

Thoughts is it selfish of me to want us to go on our planned holiday and then come back and begin first ever lot of DMT. After all i want to enjoy the time off so i can enjoy things rather than maybe dealing with side effects of the DMT😩

@gypsyrose , it's your body and your holiday too. You don't want to risk spoiling it for everyone else by starting a DMT before you go and risking the side-effects.


Hi @gypsyrose, I waiting until I had a clear few weeks off work before starting Tecfidera. When is your holiday? One thing though, make sure that the idea of beginning a DMT doesn’t become bigger than it needs to be; you know sometimes as humans, when we put things off they become a bigger deal in our minds, which FMTs generally aren’t. Go have a happy holiday with your family!