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Hello! I was recently diagnosed with PPMS. Ever since I have had usually heartburn and swallowing issues. I visited gastroenterologist some months ago and according his review I had no visible problems when swallowing. The question is that can MS cause problems with swallowing? Whenever I try to swallow food I feel like I cant normally swallow it to my stomach. Thats why I have to eat small amount of food at once. Thanks!

Also I forgot to meantion that most of time I have pressure feeling in my throat. I know that this could be related to mental health but I do not personally feel any anxious or stressed.


Hi @fuzzy9 I’ve been told MS can cause an acid reflux problem due to the muscle that stop the stomach contents from returning to the throat can be weakened hence causing acid reflux which in my case I get hiccups then a real bad heartburn and then I can’t swallow anything at all. I’ve wasted a good few Sunday lunches due to this, I’ve been prescribed oxybutynin to control this or gavisgon should help. Cheers graham