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PIP application...

Hello, hope youre all as well as can be. I recently posted about DMTs and PIP but want this new post to just be regarding PIP as my DMT dilemma is over, for the time being! So...I received the dreaded brown envelope stating my DLA lifetime award is due to end, and inviting me to apply for PIP. I work on part time, am self employed and claim working tax credits, with disability element, so work 16hrs a week, term time only. Most of work is done from home and I couldn't physically manage any more. It took me around 6 years to get into a position I feel I can manage alongside my health issues. The combination of DLA, WTC and a low income enable me to carry on as I am. If I lose DLA (fail to get awarded PIP) I simply wont be able to continue as I am, which is a huge worry. I spoke with my MS nurse yesterday, who advised I make the application, and if I am asked to attend a face to face assessment, that I ask for a home visit. I guess I am asking those of you who have been through the process, for any helpful advice? So if you feel able to share any pearls of wisdom....hit me with them! Many thanks in advance

@jules71 , refer to the Benefits & Work website (https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/) for in-depth details of the process. Also, enlist some "objective" help to complete the application form, e.g. Citizens Advice (CAB). It's better to put in the effort with the application, rather than putting the effort into an appeal.


I was very apprehensive about making an application but in the end found the whole process very straightforward I think it helps to just keep to the facts of your condition and say how it affects your day to day life. And the face to face interview was, if not pleasant, not as bad as I was expecting. So don't worry.