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New housing needs

Hiya Since having my son I am having more symptoms and it's become dangerous for me to carry him up and down the 20 steps to my door. The housing has me down as 'recognised need' to be moved but I feel like even with the hospital/doctors letters it's not enough. Does anyone know how to get things moving? Thanks

Hi @mirax and welcome. Get your local MP on the case. They'll have a website, with a "contact me" link. You could also see if phoning SCOPE (https://www.scope.org.uk) on 0808 800 3333 could bring any pressure to bear. Good luck. Just keep making a noise. :wink:


Hello @mirax, it might be extreme, but you could try Children’s or Social Services? Given that your kiddie’s welfare is at hand, how could they ignore it. If you tell them your son is vulnerable due to the steps, how can they ignore it? It’s a bit extreme, but that’s how we Warriors roll! Good luck x