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MS may have started years ago

When I was 26-27, I was diagnosed with Ocular Myasthenia Gravis from one eyelid that droops. I was negative for ALL MG tests except the Tensilon test, but it was very mild. I was prescribed Mestinon on as as needed basis, so I never really took it because the only issues I ever had was that my eyelids would forcibly close at night, only when I was tired! That just seemed logical and funny to me! So both the Neurologists I saw wonder if that may have been the start of my MS, and I never had MG at all. Now I do too! Has anyone else had eye drooping as a first sign?

@laurianne25 Hi Ms was explained to me as something that has been creeping around your body for many years having a little nibble on things as it went on its merry way and your body repaired it fairly well. Then it would come back later to its favourite spot and have another nibble and then after a while you start to notice it. And so it goes on and on, just how quickly no one knows, it could be slow or fast it has its own schedule. The DMTs that have been developed are there to slow or stop the nibbling in its tracks. That's not exactly what happens but it's a fairly understandable explanation.


@highlander I love that explanation! Brilliant!